Chapter 2A (August 23 Notes)
Chapter 2B (August 28 Notes)
An unsuccessful conversational act (threatening, intimidating)
A demonstration of the need for the rule of Quantity
A violation of the rule of Relevance
An illustration of the rule of Manner
Chapter 2C, 3A (August 30 Notes)
Chapter-3B (September 4 Notes)
An article describing the central importance of critical thinking to academic and later life success.
Chapter 5 (Septermber 11/13 Notes)
Chapter 6A (Notes)
Chapter 6B (Notes)
Chapter 7A (Notes)
Chapter 7B (Notes)
Inductive Reasoning (Notes)
Explanations (Notes)
Causal Reasoning (Notes)
Chances (Notes)
Choices (Notes)
Fallacies of Vagueness (Notes)
Fallacies of Ambiguity (Notes)
Fallacies of Relevance and Vacuity (Notes)