200 Assignment Schedule (MCCKC)


DUE DATE Reading Assignment Topic Homework Assignment
20-Aug 2-10 (Logic 1) recognizing arguments 1B.1 2-11
22-Aug 27-34 (Logic 2) validity, truth, logical form 1F 2-10
25-Aug 166-172 (Logic 3) categorical statements 5A 2-5, 5B 2-5
27-Aug 173-184 (Logic 4) categorical statement relationships 5C II, 5D 2-3
29-Aug 187-195 (Logic 5) existence, venn diagrams 5G 2-11
1-Sep vacation
3-Sep 201-212 (Logic 6) translation Take Home Exam #1
5-Sep practice 5I 2-15, 65-69
8-Sep 218-232 syllogism, diagrams
10-Sep practice 6B 2-7
12-Sep 265-274 enthymemes, ordinary language 6F.2 2-4, 6G 3-4
15-Sep 288-293 connectives Take Home Exam #2
17-Sep translations 7A 2-15
19-Sep 295-302 WFFs and syntax 7B.3 2-12
22-Sep 304-309 truth functionality, tables 7C 2-20
24-Sep 312-320 truth tables
26-Sep 321-325 contingency, equivalence 7F 2-5
29-Sep 326-330 consistency, validity 7G 2-4, 7H 10-12
1-Oct 335-340 indirect truth tables 7I.1 3,7, and 11
3-Oct 344-350 argument forms, consistency 7I.2 3-4, 7I.3 3-4
6-Oct 354-361 proof
8-Oct practice 8B I. 2-8, 8B II. 2-8
10-Oct 368-378 strategy, more rules
13-Oct practice 8D III. 2-6
15-Oct 385-392 substitution 1 8E I, II, and III 2-4
17-Oct 399-405 substitution 2 8F I, II, and III 2-4
20-Oct 413-418 conditional proof 8G 2-8
22-Oct 421-422 indirect proof 8H 2-6
24-Oct practice and review 8G and 8H 10-12
27-Oct Exam
29-Oct 22-25,566-574 Induction, generalization 13A 2-5
31-Oct 575-583 evaluating, polls
3-Nov 583-584 refutation
5-Nov 488-492 analogical reasoning 10A 2-6
7-Nov 496-504 evaluating/refuting 10C II
10-Nov Moral Argument moral arguments
12-Nov Moral Theories moral theories
14-Nov moral premises Moral Exercises
17-Nov 303, 304, 305, 306 rational choices
19-Nov Expected Overall Value expected utility Exercise II (pp.305-306)
21-Nov Probability and Bayes Theorem games of chance and Bayes’ theorem Exercise VII (p. 297)
24-Nov vacation
26-Nov vacation
28-Nov vacation
1-Dec 118-126 fallacies of relevance 4A II 2-10
3-Dec 130-141 fallacies of unwarranted assumption 4B II 2-10
5-Dec 144-149 fallacies of ambiguity or diversion 4C II 2-10
8-Dec review/summary